Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
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- Сообщения: 6307
- Зарегистрирован: 05 сен 2010, 21:30
- Пол: Мужской
- Статус: Аутичный
- Откуда: Москва
Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
Данная работа (опубликованная в рецензируемом журнале) посвящена тесту Aspie Quiz:
Leif Ekblad
Autism, Personality, and Human Diversity Defining Neurodiversity in an Iterative Process Using Aspie Quiz
http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/3/3/2158 ... 2.abstract
Leif Ekblad
Autism, Personality, and Human Diversity Defining Neurodiversity in an Iterative Process Using Aspie Quiz
http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/3/3/2158 ... 2.abstract
- mkdir
- группа поддержки
- Сообщения: 2703
- Зарегистрирован: 26 авг 2010, 15:24
- Пол: Женский
- Статус: Аутичный
- Контактная информация:
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
Leif Ekblad c facebook
Ну что, доигрались с самодиагностикой? :)The results from the Russian sample of Aspie Quiz now has 27,844 answers, and the factor analysis results still differ substantially from the Caucasian sample (and basically is the same as in the published paper), making it very likely that Russia has a different neurodiversity distribution than Europe.
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
извините, не знаю английского, о чем речь?mkdir писал(а):Leif Ekblad c facebookНу что, доигрались с самодиагностикой? :)The results from the Russian sample of Aspie Quiz now has 27,844 answers, and the factor analysis results still differ substantially from the Caucasian sample (and basically is the same as in the published paper), making it very likely that Russia has a different neurodiversity distribution than Europe.
- аспи
- Сообщения: 964
- Зарегистрирован: 06 окт 2011, 00:57
- Пол: Мужской
- Статус: Аутичный
- Откуда: Калининград
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
Да о том, что аспи в России больше, чем во всем остальном мире вместе взятом :)tinni писал(а):извините, не знаю английского, о чем речь?
Блаженны прыгающие, ибо они допрыгаются (с)
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
Я его где-то раз 5 проходил).mkdir писал(а):Leif Ekblad c facebookНу что, доигрались с самодиагностикой? :)The results from the Russian sample of Aspie Quiz now has 27,844 answers, and the factor analysis results still differ substantially from the Caucasian sample (and basically is the same as in the published paper), making it very likely that Russia has a different neurodiversity distribution than Europe.
autistic psychopathy
- hyppocampus
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 218
- Зарегистрирован: 24 окт 2017, 19:18
- Пол: Мужской
- Статус: Нейротипичный
- Откуда: Москва
- Контактная информация:
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
Удивительно смелое утверждение.
Почему-то товарищу в голову не приходит, что различия в факторной структуре опросника могут объясняться не реальными различиями по аутизму в популяции, а культурные различия, приводящие к тому, что решающую роль при выборе вариантов ответа на некоторые вопросы могут иметь не аутистические черты, а другие факторы.
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
наконец-то я нашла статью, в которой читала, что разница между нейротипичными и аспи баллами должна быть не менее 35 баллов. А то я всю голову сломала, пытаясь вспомнить, откуда это
- mkdir
- группа поддержки
- Сообщения: 2703
- Зарегистрирован: 26 авг 2010, 15:24
- Пол: Женский
- Статус: Аутичный
- Контактная информация:
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
В декабре Лейф делал анализ данных, по России вот что:
2 декабря
The Russian Aspie Quiz has considerably lower Chronbach alpha (0.9588) than the English (0.9751). The interitem covariance is also 1/3 lower (0.10 vs 0.16), and about 1/3 of the items have considerably lower relevance in Russia. I'll check the Polish dataset too which has close to 50,000 answers too and lies in between Western Europe and Russia. What this means is that neurodiversity in Russia is partly different than in Western Europe.
3 декабря
I got a new idea about analyzing different regions. I have 157000 English answers + another 50000 or more in experimental versions with ancestry information. Using that data it should be possible to analyze major groups like American Indians and Russians and compare them with the native language translations.
3 декабря (позднее)
I think I might solve the issue of relatedness between populations, and especially for the native American Indian populations. I have 1076 Russian, 3873 Eastern European, 2991 Northern Indian and 542 Southern Indian answers after filtering, all which are enough to analyse how the "relevance" estimate in Aspie Quiz varies. Proof of the concept is that the Indian populations are highly related, and so is the Russian and Eastern European. It's also the case that Russians are more closely related to Northern Indians than to Southern Indians. By analysing Japan and South-East Asia I should be able to solve it. I think this is a far more useful method than analysing SNPs (mutations), as my measure relates to Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry as a package, not on the basis of individual genes.
10 декабря
So, I've finished all relevant populations, and I think I have a good idea about how the traits have spread (even if it is a complex picture):
Correlation table: http://www.rdos.net/popcorr
There seem to be five branches: 1: Western & Northern Europe (probably the Celts) that have a unique set of neurodiverse traits. 2: A branch that comes from Northern Asia (Russia), and which has spread into Eastern Europe but also to Eastern Asia. 3: A much older branch in Southern Asia which seems to be the source population of Native Americans and North African Berbers. 4: Native Australians are part of the oldest branch, which has connections to both the Celts and Native Americans. 5: A newer branch from the Middle East that goes into much of Europe (probably closely related to #3), which probably is related to the spread of agriculture.
I think the Celt branch is related to additional hybridization with Western European Neanderthals as the Russian path spread west. That's why it has a unique set of traits. It probably existed in much of Europe before agriculture.
So, not at all like the paleoanthropologists wants us to believe it is.
My next goal is to prove that Africans have no inherit neurodiverse profile, but rather "borrows" it from surrounding populations. It seems possible that the profile of Berbers could have existed in much of Africa, but has become extinct. Something that could happen in Europe as well if the discrimination continues. In fact, neurodiversity today is almost extinct in much of South Asia and Africa.
2 декабря
The Russian Aspie Quiz has considerably lower Chronbach alpha (0.9588) than the English (0.9751). The interitem covariance is also 1/3 lower (0.10 vs 0.16), and about 1/3 of the items have considerably lower relevance in Russia. I'll check the Polish dataset too which has close to 50,000 answers too and lies in between Western Europe and Russia. What this means is that neurodiversity in Russia is partly different than in Western Europe.
3 декабря
I got a new idea about analyzing different regions. I have 157000 English answers + another 50000 or more in experimental versions with ancestry information. Using that data it should be possible to analyze major groups like American Indians and Russians and compare them with the native language translations.
3 декабря (позднее)
I think I might solve the issue of relatedness between populations, and especially for the native American Indian populations. I have 1076 Russian, 3873 Eastern European, 2991 Northern Indian and 542 Southern Indian answers after filtering, all which are enough to analyse how the "relevance" estimate in Aspie Quiz varies. Proof of the concept is that the Indian populations are highly related, and so is the Russian and Eastern European. It's also the case that Russians are more closely related to Northern Indians than to Southern Indians. By analysing Japan and South-East Asia I should be able to solve it. I think this is a far more useful method than analysing SNPs (mutations), as my measure relates to Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry as a package, not on the basis of individual genes.
10 декабря
So, I've finished all relevant populations, and I think I have a good idea about how the traits have spread (even if it is a complex picture):
Correlation table: http://www.rdos.net/popcorr
There seem to be five branches: 1: Western & Northern Europe (probably the Celts) that have a unique set of neurodiverse traits. 2: A branch that comes from Northern Asia (Russia), and which has spread into Eastern Europe but also to Eastern Asia. 3: A much older branch in Southern Asia which seems to be the source population of Native Americans and North African Berbers. 4: Native Australians are part of the oldest branch, which has connections to both the Celts and Native Americans. 5: A newer branch from the Middle East that goes into much of Europe (probably closely related to #3), which probably is related to the spread of agriculture.
I think the Celt branch is related to additional hybridization with Western European Neanderthals as the Russian path spread west. That's why it has a unique set of traits. It probably existed in much of Europe before agriculture.
So, not at all like the paleoanthropologists wants us to believe it is.
My next goal is to prove that Africans have no inherit neurodiverse profile, but rather "borrows" it from surrounding populations. It seems possible that the profile of Berbers could have existed in much of Africa, but has become extinct. Something that could happen in Europe as well if the discrimination continues. In fact, neurodiversity today is almost extinct in much of South Asia and Africa.
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- Сообщения: 3139
- Зарегистрирован: 02 июн 2023, 13:31
- Статус: Неопределившийся
- Откуда: свалился с Луны
Re: Публикация по тесту Aspie Quiz
Разве не логично предположить, что в странах с меньшей общей осведомлённостью о РАС проходить тест будут в основном люди с большей выраженностью черт, причём неоднократно?
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